Thank you for your interest in helping with our Lakewood UMC Youth! I’m a strong believer that the youth are not only the future of our church- but are right now a HUGE part of our church. I would love to meet with you personally to talk about getting involved and how your gifts can best support our program! Here is a description of most ways you can get involved with our ministry. Each section provides the role and the responsibilities/expectations that go with it.

Also, because our youth are so important to us, each volunteer that works with our youth is required to have a background check run (by the church), and to sign LUMC’s Safe Gatherings Policy. Our ministry is only as great as the volunteers who run it, so I want to thank you for taking the time to reach out to our youth who are always in need of strong and kind leaders like you!

  -Max Hilgendorf, Director of Youth Ministries

Forms Below:

Lakewood Youth Snack Suppers

Background Check form

Child Maltreatment Registry Authorization

Safe Sanctuaries

Distracted Driver Form

Drivers Training

Want to help out in other ways? Contact Max for more information!